!Nara oil with organic espresso beans

This oil combines the classic fruity-nutty flavors of the !Nara with a hint of roasted espresso bean aromas.
The Espresso !Nara oil is ideal for marinades and bastings for meat dishes like Goulash, Roasts or lamb.
Game steaks can be refined by sprinkling a little of the oil onto the steak‘s after they are grilled and just before serving. Carrot, potato and pumpkin soup will become a new taste experience if you add a dash of the !Nara oil just before serving the soup.
The espresso !Nara oil is also very good for a variety of pasta dishes. For example, roast a little garlic with almonds in the oil and toss together with fresh parmesan over gnocchi….delicious.

!Nara oil with fresh vanilla

This oil combines the classic fruity-nutty flavor of the !Nara oil with the subtle sweet aromas of the fresh vanilla pods.
The vanilla !Nara oil is ideal for fish; chicken and pork marinades. Grilled fish fillets receive a taste-boost when a little vanilla oil is sprinkled over the fish before serving.
Vegetable stews, mashed potatoes or pumpkin fritta’s can be wonderfully refined with the oil.
The oil can also enhance a variety of sweet dishes. For example, make a pesto from roasted and sugared almonds, peppermint and vanilla !Nara oil and serve this pesto over ice cream or on waffles.
In warm and light conditions it is advisable to keep the pure !Nara oil refrigerated
(The oil is available in 250ml amber glass bottles with screw cap)

!Nara Salad Dressing

The !Nara salad dressing has a distinct mustardy and rich spicy flavour to it and can be used on all salad’s or as a side sauce for meat and chicken. The thick creamy sauce has a shelve life of about three months and is available in a 250ml clear glass bottle.